Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 8:18 AM
To: Huffman, Lisa
Subject: Zone Conferences, Boxes, Aquariums, Oh My!

Well another end to another good week. Brother Tyndel (from the 1st ward) took us and the English Zone Leaders to the aquarium last week. It was at Fort Fisher which is an old Civil War Fort. The Aquarium was newer, though. We saw an Albino Aligator named Luna.
The rest of the week was pretty crazy. We biked a lot and I got my pant leg snagged a couple times in my gears, haha. Fortunatley those pants got soaked in the rain so I can't wear them around. By the time they're dry it'll be interviews and I can have Sister cotterell sew them for me.
Last Friday was my first Zone Conference. It was really cool. Since there's only 30 Spanish missionaries they had both zones combined. I got to see Elder Parsons again and he looked really good. He said his brother got hit by a car in Indiana while riding his bike, but is ok.
We had a lot of good lessons in Zone Conference from President Cotterell, Elder Baker and Pepinos, and the AP's. Elder Baker gave us stickers to put on the back of our name tag with a commitment on it. It was really cool.
After zone conference Elder Jasperson and I had headaches (we had to get up at 5 and drive for 2 hours since the conference was in Raleigh and we hadn't eaten anything.) Elder Larsen drove us to Wallace (his area) and then we drove from there to our area. We got home around 8:30 that night and stopped by a members house.
Yesterday we had one investigator at church. It wasn't as many as last week but it was good. After church we went to see Celeste. She's moving to Mexico on the 29th but if she wasn't she would be so ready for baptism. She's really fun to talk to and our lessons are always full of the spirit when we're with her.
We also met with Arcio and Hector. We've been meeting with Arcio for a while. He lives with a bunch of his cousins and everyone he lives with is really accepting of the gospel. Arcio and Hector have baptisimal dates for September 12th. Giovani also lives with them and Elder Jasperson thinks that he's the best investigator we have. On Saturday we were leaving the trailer and he was there saying "I saw your car when I drove in and I walked all over the neighborhood looking for you. Oh well, guess I'l lsee you tomarrow at church." He didn't come to church, but the fact that he was excited to see us was cool enough, haha.
As far as this week goes it's the last week of my first transfer. This transfer has gone by so fast but from what I hear it's the "longest" transfer.

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